Wednesday, 22 February 2023

10 Genius Tips for Packing for Your Move

Moving is a huge task for everyone, especially if you’re going through the whole process on your own. There always seems to be too many items to pack away and too little space in the boxes, not to mention the random items that tend to appear as soon as the boxes are sealed.


While there is no universally correct way to pack for a move, there are some ways you can make the whole process more efficient and less stressful. Here are a few of our best-recommended tips and tricks for packing for your upcoming move.

1. Have a Plan


Before you start throwing things into boxes just to get them out of the way, take a moment to organize and plan the process. First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure you have everything you’re going to need for the packing process before you actually start packing. Here is a small list of packing essentials:

  • Sturdy multi-sized boxes
  • Durable packing tape
  • Bubble wrap or paper cushioning
  • Label stickers
  • Permanent markers
  • Moving blankets
  • Color coding materials
  • Notepad or binder

Once you have all your materials on hand and ready to go, you should make a plan for how you’re going to be packing each room as well as how you’ll be sorting each item. Placing things into boxes simply however they fit isn’t particularly safe or efficient, it is best to be mindful of how you pack up the rooms of your home. Plan for the boxes you’ll need for each room as well as how to make sure any delicate or sentimental items are safe when moving.


2. Purge While You Pack


Moving is the best time to get rid of non-essential clothing and home goods from around the home. Throwing out, donating, or selling items you don’t want to bring with you to your new space or won’t have room for is the best way to minimize the hassle of packing and unpacking. Set aside some space to organize things you plan on getting rid of or are on the fence about bringing, and until you make a decision or are ready to say goodbye, it’ll all be out of the way of the rest of your packing.


You should start the purging process as soon as possible, too. In fact, the best time to start is a few months ahead of your big move so that you won’t be in a rush while making choices and risking any mistakes along the way. Be thorough and motivated when decluttering so that you’ll only be bringing the good stuff that makes you and your family happy into your new home.


3. Make a List


Mom makes list while preparing to move to new home


You made your plan for packing up each room already, but how do you know what to pack in each room and in what order? Now is the time to sit down and organize a list of the items that will be packed up in each room, as well as items that you’ll be saving for the final moving day. This way you’ll be able to cross things off and make a note of what still needs to be done so you won’t be running around trying to figure out why certain things haven’t been packed yet.


The more organized and thoughtful you are about the packing process, the less stressful and chaotic the unpacking process will be. Remember that you are basically saving your future self a huge amount of time and headaches when you make notes and lists. Be meticulous and over-prepared now so that you’ll be ready for everything later.


4. Round Up Cables


Electronics and their respective wires and chargers can easily take up tons of space when packing up the house. Plus if you’re anything of a pack-rat, you might have a pile of cables and cords that you haven’t figured out how to use around the house in some time. To make packing these lengthy and mismatched wires a simple task, try these tips:

  • Sort them out by capability
  • Keep current spare phone chargers in an accessible location
  • Make sure wires are untangled before wrapping or rolling them up
  • Use a twist or zip tie to secure cords
  • Place cords in labeled bags to save space
  • Keep bags of cords with corresponding electronics


5. No “Almost Empties”


We mentioned decluttering earlier, but here’s something to keep in mind when it comes to the bathroom and kitchen in particular. If you have any items that have been so close to empty or sat broken in a drawer for far too long, it’s time to toss them out. These little “almost empties” and broken or worn-out items don’t need to take up any space in a box or bag that is already near capacity. Here is a little example of the items that don’t need priority space in your moving boxes:

  • Mealtime leftovers
  • Close to empty condiments
  • Cleaning supplies on their last use
  • Worn out and stained towels
  • Large bottles with little product
  • Thoroughly squeezed tubes of toothpaste
  • Broken tools or electronics




Moving boxes


This little tip should basically be a no-brainer: put labels on every box and bag you fill. Future you should have no questions as to where something is or what’s in a particular box. Label the top and sides of each box so that everything can be sorted and organized properly at any stage of the process. Make a system for packing up each room and make sure everything is labeled accurately. You should also make sure that boxes containing glass and other fragile items are clearly and obviously labeled so that there is no risk of anything breaking.


You can also simplify things by creating a color-coding or numbering system for rooms or zones within your current and new homes. Grab a set of colored stickers or markers and map out how everything can be organized and unpacked when it comes time for that. We’ll say it again: remember to save your future self a headache!


7. Know the Contents


When you’re packing your moving boxes in each room, make a note of what you’re placing in each one. We suggest having a physical list of the contents of each box so that you know exactly where everything is. You can keep track of everything best when you have a color coding system or number assigned to each box, that way you can make sure every box goes to the right room when you’re starting to unpack.


Another great reason to have a list of each box’s contents is so that if you hire a moving company, the movers know to be careful when moving your items into and out of their truck. You’ll also be able to tell if any items or whole boxes are missing after you’ve moved and be able to let the company know what you’re looking for. It is best to be prepared for anything, especially when moving.


8. Save the Essentials for Last


As you get closer and closer to moving day, you’ll probably start to notice how empty your home feels when everything is being packed away. However, not everything in the home should be tucked neatly away. Your toiletries, frozen and refrigerated food, in-season clothing, medications, and kid/pet supplies should remain unpacked until the day of the move. What would be the use of packing all your clothes away if you’re still going to need to wear them?


No one likes living out of boxes, so remember to set your daily essential items aside while you pack up everything else. We suggest having a designated space or room in which everyone can set aside some clothes, electronics, supplies, and toiletries so that everything you don’t need to pack yet is out of the way.


9. Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy


When you clear a room of everything that can be packed up and removed, you’ll likely notice how much dust and debris has accumulated. Ideally, you’ll also notice that you now have access to areas of the room that haven’t received TLC in years. Our tip is to keep your cleaning supplies and equipment unpacked and at the ready so that you’ll be able to give each room a deep clean once it’s been completely packed up.

Here are some cleaning essentials to have on hand before moving day:

  • Multi-surface cleaner
  • Glass cleaner
  • Shower/ tub cleaner
  • Cleaning rags or paper towels
  • Disinfectant spray/ wipes
  • Rubber gloves
  • Vacuum
  • Broom/ sweeper mop
  • Carpet cleaner
  • Mop


10. Make an Unpacking Plan


One of the best ways to simplify the unpacking process once you’ve transferred all of your belongings to your new space, is by having a plan. If you’re lucky enough to have access to your new home before you officially move out of your old one, you can start the unpacking process anytime you want!


Try setting goals or having an organizational motivation when you unpack, you’ll get the job done in no time. Better yet, before you unpack, make sure you have bins, shelves, and other organizational tools for around the house to keep everything looking as tidy as possible. Welcome to your new home!




Family group of four putting hands up for success in moving in day


If you’re wondering why you should even bother putting in extra time and effort when packing for a move, allow us to resolve that. We know packing can be a pain and can often become chaotic and overwhelming, but imagine if there was no rhyme or reason for the way you packed your moving boxes. Unpacking would be just as hectic, fragile items could break during the move, sentimental family belongings could be lost, and your new home could become even more of a mess than your old one.


When you create and utilize a system for packing each room and item within your old home, you are more mindful and careful with the things you love. Moving is an opportunity to get organized and declutter down to the essentials so that you can come into your new space with a clear mind and tidy atmosphere. Take some time to throw out the old so that you can truly start fresh with the new!




Where do I start decluttering for a move?

When you are starting to declutter your home before a move, you should always start in the room you and your family use the least so that you have a space to set aside your essential items for later. Once your essentials are out of the way, decluttering and packing each room will be easier.


What do movers move first?

Professional movers will almost always move the largest and heaviest items in the home, like furniture and appliances, first. This is to ensure that there will be space on their truck for other pieces of furniture and moving boxes.


How do I start a moving plan?

When creating a plan for moving, always start by creating a room-by-room packing checklist and set aside a budget for a moving company and packing supplies. You’ll also want to start decluttering every room of your home as early as possible so that you’ll only be packing necessities.


What order should you move stuff in?

When moving, you should move your larger furniture and appliances first, followed by smaller and non-essential items. If you aren’t bringing appliances, you should still ensure that your larger furniture is loaded onto the moving truck first so that there is room for smaller furniture and boxes later on.


What should you not do when moving?

The most important things you should never do is not allow yourself enough time to pack properly and not packing with care or purpose. Packing moving boxes is a very important part of the moving process and can even make or break the whole moving experience.


woman moving into a new apartment


Are you planning and packing for a big move soon? What kind of packing and planning tips have you come across and would like to share? Tell us about your tips and tricks in the comments below, we love hearing from our readers and clients!


If you’re looking for more helpful guides for around the house, or if you’re in the market for a move-out or move-in cleaning for your home, new or old, we’ve got you covered! Check out to read more from our cleaning and lifestyle blog or to browse our selection of cleaning services. Contact us today to see how we can help you out around the house!

The post 10 Genius Tips for Packing for Your Move appeared first on Cleanzen.

from Cleanzen



from Kirstie Bravo

from Kirstie Bravo

from David Benedict


Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Speed Clean your Home in 20 Minutes (Daily Cleaning Guide)

Cleaning up around the house can be time consuming and tedious, especially when you do it all in one day. What if we told you that there was a better way to tidy? All you have to do is break down your usual checklist into different days and you’ll be able to get more done in less time each day. We’ve put together a handy cleaning guide to help you figure out how to break up your cleaning tasks for the week, all you have to do is tailor it to fit your home and your schedule.

Every Day


While breaking most of your to-do list into smaller lists for different days is the best way to make cleaning more manageable, there are still things you’ll want to take care of every day. These are the tasks around the house that you’ll want to make sure you tackle every day:

  • Wipe down countertops and high-touch surfaces
  • Do the dishes after each meal
  • Sweep or vacuum around the kitchen and high-traffic areas
  • Make the beds in every bedroom
  • Put everything where it belongs
  • Clean the kitchen table after each meal
  • Use a squeegee or cloth to remove water after a shower or bath
  • Clean spills and sticky spots

For the remaining tasks on your regular checklist, we can break them down and assign a set of tasks to each day of the week. You’ll want to try and keep your daily cleaning tasks simple and manageable each day so that you aren’t taking up too much of your time each day. You can follow our basic guide below, and use it to help you create your own daily checklist for the week.




Man cleaning table on living room


On Mondays, you can keep things simple and make sure your home is tidy and ready for the week ahead. Try sticking to these tasks:

  • Dust around the living room, from ceilings to baseboards
  • Clean glass surfaces and mirrors
  • Load and run the dishwasher
  • Pick up clothing and do laundry for the week.




On Tuesdays, you can tackle some of the crud and clutter from around the house.

  • Declutter and throw away expired food
  • Empty trashcans around the house
  • Clean the sinks and toilets
  • Mop or vacuum all the floors and carpets




woman carrying a pile of towels while doing laundry at home


Wednesdays are great for mid-week tidying and making sure everyone in the home knows to keep it clean.

  • Dust and wipe down cabinets
  • Organize the paper clutter around the house (bills, mail, cards, etc.)
  • Wash and fold/ rehang towels
  • Pick up kids’/pets’ toys from around the house and put them away




On Thursdays you can make sure both the inside and outside of the home look their best and get some attention.

  • Clean in and around the microwave
  • Fold up and put away/reset throw blankets and pillows in the living room
  • Clean the shower or tub
  • Tidy up around the garage and front porch




Woman Removes Trash Bag From Can


Finally, Fridays are perfect for making sure the house is ready for the weekend and for potential guests or just resetting for the next week ahead.

  • Organize the fridge and pantry
  • Take out the trash from around the house for the week
  • Wash and refresh bathmats and curtains
  • Sanitize and disinfect high-touch items (phones, remote lights, etc.)


Don’t Forget Deep Cleans


When you need to give your home a little extra care and attention throughout the week, that’s okay. Every home is different and some may require more upkeep and care than others. Here are a few more in-depth cleaning tasks you can add to your daily routine when you need a deeper clean:

  • Get rid of musty smells in the dishwasher and washing machine by cleaning them
  • Empty out the fridge and freezer and clean the shelves and drawers
  • Move and clean under large furniture
  • Clean and degrease the inside of the oven and your range hood
  • Clean and descale hot water kettles and coffee makers
  • Wash your bedding and deodorize the mattress
  • Check and clear the house’s gutters
  • Wash and clean the windows
  • Clean outdoor furniture and cooking surfaces


Quick Tips and Tricks


Mother and daughter picking up toys from container


Now that you have a general idea of how you can create your daily cleaning checklist for you home, you’re well on your way to living clean. But how can you further simplify the cleaning process around the house? Allow us to offer some of our favorite tips and tricks for keeping cleaning easy each week:

  • Keep cleaning supplies in the bathrooms for easier access
  • Clean up as you cook
  • Have laundry baskets handy in bathrooms and or bedrooms
  • Stick to a no-shoes policy to minimize dirt and mud around the house
  • Keep clutter off kitchen counters
  • Take the extra minute to put things away when you’re finished with them
  • Put away and hang clothes as soon as they’re clean
  • Multitask as much as possible when cleaning
  • Teach kids to put their toys away when they’re done playing
  • Consider investing in tools like a robot vacuum or self-cleaning litter box
  • Have shower cleaner at the ready when you’re done bathing




What is a house cleaning checklist?

A house cleaning checklist is a wonderful and effective way to keep tasks organized and clear when cleaning up around the house. It is also a great way to get everyone involved by dividing tasks by room or by difficulty so that even kids can help out.


How do I make a daily cleaning checklist?

You can create your own daily cleaning checklist by looking around each room to see what needs to be done, writing them down in a list, and then dividing tasks by frequency, how long they’ll take to finish, or by family member.


What is the 20-10 method of cleaning?

You can follow the 20-10 method, created by Rachel Hoffman, by working on your cleaning tasks for 20 minutes and then taking a 10 minute break before starting your next set of tasks. This is a great way to stay motivated and focused on cleaning when you have a lot to tackle.


How can I clean my room in 15 minutes?

The best way to clean up any room in 15 minutes is by picking up clothes, putting items back where they belong, gathering bits of trash, resetting pillows and blankets or making the bed, wiping down surfaces, and sweeping or vacuuming. A quick 15 minute tidy is a good way to make sure your home looks more presentable and ready for potential guests.


What are the 8 steps in cleaning?


Mother with her little daughter is indoors at home together


The 8 steps you can follow for cleaning any room are:

  • Have all your tools and supplies ready
  • Tackle the clutter
  • Dust and vacuum from top to bottom
  • Wipe down surfaces and clean glass an mirrors
  • Disinfect high-touch surfaces and items
  • Scrub toilets, sinks, and tubs
  • Sweep and mop in that order
  • Make sure everything is in its proper place


How do I clean my whole house?

To clean your whole house, work efficiently by starting with bathrooms, then the kitchen, hallways and entries, the living room, and finally bedrooms. You’ll also want to make sure to clean the home and each room from top to bottom to ensure that there is no residual dust and debris after you’ve finished.


How can I clean my house in 10 minutes?

If you’re in a hurry and need to clean your whole home in 10 minutes, here is what you should prioritize:

  • Clear and wipe kitchen and bathroom counters
  • Dust lights, shelves, baseboards and other clear surfaces
  • Spray or apply cleaner to showers/tubs and toilets and allow it to soak while you clean the sinks and mirrors.
  • If you have time, do a sweep or vacuum around the entryways and carpets.


We hope this little guide helps you keep your home looking and feeling tidier throughout the week. Remember that you can change and organize your list however you need to so that it fits your home and schedule. How does your checklist look? What kinds of cleaning tasks do you include in your daily cleaning routine? Share your routine and even your best tips and tricks with us in the comments below, we love to see how you stay tidy!


For more cleaning tips and to find out how we can help you around the house, check out our homepage. You’ll be able to find out what services we offer, schedule an appointment or book our cleaning services, and even read through our blog to see how you can keep your home looking and feeling amazing on your own. Contact us today to find out how we can help!

The post Speed Clean your Home in 20 Minutes (Daily Cleaning Guide) appeared first on Cleanzen.

from Cleanzen



from Kirstie Bravo

from Kirstie Bravo

from David Benedict


Wednesday, 8 February 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Windows

Cleaning windows can be a struggle, especially when it’s time to finally clean the outside. We know window cleaning is almost nobody’s favorite chore, but there’s no reason it should be more complicated than it is. To help keep window cleaning simple, here is our guide to cleaning your home’s windows, inside and out, like a professional.

Get the Windows Ready for Cleaning


Modern domestic kitchen with succulent plants, herbs and roses on window sill


Before you start, you should ensure you and your home are prepped and ready for cleaning. Since you’ll be using cleaning products and water, you’ll need to protect the areas around your windows. Here are a few things to keep in mind when prepping:

  • Lay a towel down under the window you’ll be focusing on, and make sure you have a few extras on hand just in case.
  • Remove any dust and loose debris from around the windows with a vacuum or by wiping down the area with a damp cloth.
  • Pull up any blinds on the windows and give those a good dusting to keep them from redistributing debris on the newly cleaned windows later.
  • Move any curtains out of the way. Shake them out outside and maybe toss them in the wash or a quick tumble in the dryer if they are fabric.
  • If your windows have removable screens, you’ll want to get those out of the way. Make sure to label them so that you can put them back correctly. It could also be a good idea to rinse the
  • screens with a hose and allow them to dry in the open air before replacing them.
  • Have all your cleaning supplies ready. You’ll need: Microfiber cloths (Note: We don’t recommend paper towels or newspapers as these are more likely to leave streaks, haze, and lint on the glass.), a squeegee, a spray bottle, glass cleaner or cleaning solution of choice and water.


DIY Window Cleaner


If you’ve tried just about every glass cleaning product available and haven’t found one that works, you most likely have the solution at your fingertips. Here are some of our favorite DIY window and glass cleaning solutions:


1. Vinegar

This method is our best recommendation, and it’s super simple! All you’ll need is white distilled vinegar and some water, plus your spray bottle. In the spray bottle, combine 1 part vinegar with 2 parts water and then shake it gently to mix it together. The acidity of the vinegar is what makes this so effective as a glass cleaner, plus it can kill bacteria and cut through tough grime. We told you this method was easy!


2. Lemon Juice


Lemon squeezer and lemon juice on kitchen table.


If you don’t like using (or smelling) vinegar around the house, that’s okay. We know vinegar can be pretty strong and harsh on the nose, so here’s your solution. All you have to do for this DIY method is replace vinegar from the previous recipe with lemon juice. The acidity of the lemon juice is a bit stronger than vinegar, but it is just as effective and definitely smells better. Who doesn’t appreciate their home smelling lemony-fresh after cleaning?


3. Dish Soap

There are a few ways you can incorporate dish soap into DIY cleaning solutions. You can easily use it on its own by adding a few drops to some clean water, giving you an effective window cleaner. Another effective way to use dish soap is by adding a drop or two to either of the previous recipes for a pretty powerful cleaning boost.


4. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Another way to combat the scent of chemicals or vinegar is by adding essential oils to your DIY recipes. Our favorite essential oil to use is tea tree because not only does it smell amazing, but it also fights against bacteria and helps prevent mold growth. You only need to add a few drops to your DIY cleaner to see the difference, so we suggest using essential oil with our favorite vinegar method for the ultimate cleaning solution.


Cleaning Inside


Man washing Window


Now that you have the area around your windows protected and your supplies at the ready, you can get started with the cleaning process from inside. Here is our quick guide to cleaning the interior of your windows like a pro:

  • Make sure you have wiped down the windows and window panes with a wet cloth to remove any loose dust and debris from the surface.
  • Using your chosen cleaning product or DIY solution, spray a small amount starting from the top of the window glass and moving down. (Note: Do your best to keep the cleaner away from surfaces that aren’t glass.)
  • Wipe the cleaner all around the glass with a dry microfiber cloth to clean the window using an S-motion to avoid the cleaner drying on the glass while you clean it.
  • Spray a small amount of cleaner on any stubborn areas of grease or grime around the window. Only use the cleaner in small amounts and do your best to not allow the cleaner to pool at the base of the window.
  • Using a fresh microfiber cloth or a squeegee, wipe away the remaining cleaner once the glass has been cleaned completely. If you are using a squeegee, make sure you keep the blade in contact with the glass to avoid leaving streaks and drips.
  • Check the glass for any streaks or stray marks. You can use a fresh microfiber towel to buff these from the surface of the glass for a shiny and streak-free finish.


Cleaning Outside


Once all of your windows are now shiny and clean on the inside, make sure they’re all closed because it’s time to shift your focus to the outside. For the best results when cleaning your windows from the outside, here is our go-to method:

  • Ensure that all windows are securely closed and surrounding areas inside are protected from potential leaks.
  • Use your garden hose to spray away the surface layers of dirt and grime that have accumulated.
  • To scrub and remove stubborn grime, we recommend using an extendable pole that you can attach microfiber cleaning cloths to. Climbing up and down a ladder to clean your windows is time-consuming and even dangerous especially if you are cleaning them on your own.
  •  Apply your cleaning solution to the cloth on the extendable pole to clean high-up and hard-to-reach windows. (Note: There are some hose-attachable window cleaners available to purchase, so you can look into one of those to shave off some time when cleaning.)
  • Rinse the cleaner away thoroughly with your hose.
  • Use a fresh microfiber cloth or extendable squeegee to dry the windows.


How Often to Clean Windows


A man Cleaning the windows at home


We know cleaning your windows can be a time-consuming chore to take on, especially when you’re cleaning both inside and out. Thankfully, you should only have to clean both sides of your windows about 2 or 3 times a year, depending on the environment where you live. Pollen levels, rainy weather, tree sap, and even birds can add to the debris that collects on and around your windows. Make sure to regularly check the state of your windows from the outside in order to stay on top of their cleanliness.




What should you not do to clean windows?


When cleaning your windows, you should not use an ammonia-based cleaner and avoid cleaning them in direct sunlight as both of these can create excessive streaking and haze. You should also aim to use a squeegee when drying them and removing excess cleaner and water.


What causes windows to get dirty inside?


Windows can get dirty inside because of dust, grease, and other particulates that accumulate and stick to the glass. Windows in the kitchen are especially susceptible to grease build-up and can be particularly difficult and stubborn to clean.


Can vinegar damage glass windows?


Vinegar won’t damage and is completely safe to use on glass windows and mirrors. In fact, we encourage it! Just remember not to use vinegar to clean anything like electronics or stone such as granite and marble.


What do professional window cleaners use in their water?


Many professional window cleaners use purified and treated water, but they can also use simple cleaning agents like a few drops of dish soap in water. This solution is super simple but highly effective when cleaning windows, which is why we suggest trying it out for yourself.


What is the best time of day to clean windows?


Woman in kitchen opening the window


The best time of day to clean your windows is early in the morning before the sun is fully up so that it doesn’t hit your windows directly. You can also save window cleaning for an overcast day without rain, as long as there is no direct sunlight on your windows. This is because the sunlight can cause your cleaning solution and water to evaporate more quickly and leave water stains and streaks on the window while you clean.


Why do my windows look worse after cleaning?​​


Your windows can look worse than when you started often because of the amount of sunlight hitting them or even if you leave the solution for too long and it dries on the glass. Your home’s water can also be a contributing factor to streaks and haze as hard water leaves cloudy mineral deposits on most surfaces.


How do your windows look after cleaning then? What kind of cleaning tips and tricks do you use when cleaning your windows? Share your thoughts in the comments below, we love hearing from you! If your windows have become too much of a struggle to keep clean and shiny on a regular basis, don’t worry. You can check out to find out what kind of services we offer that can help you keep your home looking its best.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Windows appeared first on Cleanzen.

from Cleanzen



from Kirstie Bravo

from Kirstie Bravo

from David Benedict


Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Safe and Natural DIY Drain Cleaners

Drains around the house can become clogged even with the most mundane usage, so it is a good idea to have a plan for declogging them. While drain cleaning and declogging products can be effective, they are also notorious for containing harmful chemicals. The best way to eliminate the risk to your home’s pipes and your own health is by using some of the most common household products available. Here is our guide to creating your own DIY drain cleaner.

Benefits of Natural Drain Cleaner


Woman standing in shower, cropped view of feet


If you’re a long-time user of commercial drain cleaners and decloggers, that’s perfectly fine, but you should be aware of the risks that come with these products. Most chemical cleaners contain sodium hydroxide or sulfuric acid, both of which are strong but damaging chemicals. Using cleaners containing these chemicals can cause your pipes to corrode, creating a very big and very expensive problem for you. To avoid causing a huge headache for your future self, consider switching to a natural and eco-friendly drain cleaner. These are safer to use around kids and pets AND they won’t break the bank, sounds like a pretty good deal to us! For more info, you can check out the FAQ below.


DIY Drain Solutions


Here is a list of our favorite DIY drain cleaners and solutions. They can all be made from regular household products or can be purchased for a reasonable price!


1. Soap & Hot Water

Hot water and dish soapThis is the most simple and straightforward method for declogging and degreasing your drain. All you will need for this is:

  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap
  • A pot of water

For this method, start by filling a pot with water and adding the dish soap. Boil the water and then immediately pour the hot soapy water down the drain. This method is great for greasy clogs or just for cleaning out your pipes after accidentally pouring fats or liquid grease down the drain. Remember to avoid this by allowing the grease or fat to cool before throwing it away, not pouring it down the drain.


2. Baking Soda & Vinegarvinegar and baking soda

All you’ll need for this DIY cleaner is:

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of white vinegar
  • A pot of water

To use this solution, carefully pour the baking soda down the open drain. Next, you’ll want to pour the vinegar down the drain. Once the vinegar meets the baking soda the reaction will begin, so remember to cover the drain quickly. Let the baking soda and vinegar do their thing for about an hour, and boil a pot of water. Uncover the drain, and then flush the solution by pouring the boiling water down the drain. Note: You may need to repeat the process to fully clear the drain.


3. Baking Soda & Lemon Juice

This is a very similar process to the previous solution, but it smells way better! You’ll need:

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of lemon juice
  • A pot of water

First, pour the baking soda down the drain then follow it with the lemon juice. Cover the drain and wait about an hour for the solution to work. Boil a pot of water and, after an hour, uncover the drain and pour the water. Repeat as needed.


4. Baking Soda & Salt

baking soda and salt

This particular method works best for a clog and works pretty well for degreasing the drain. For this you’ll need:

  • ½ cup of regular table salt
  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • A pot of water

This is an interesting solution as it uses 2 dry ingredients, but trust us on this. Start by pouring the salt down the clogged drain, and then follow with the baking soda. Allow this to work for a minimum of about 30 minutes, or overnight if you are dealing with a stubborn clog. After your desired waiting time, boil a pot of water and then pour the water directly down the drain. This should flush the drain, but if not you may need to consider using an alternative to aid the process.


5. Baking Soda, Salt, & Cream of Tartar

cream of tartar, baking soda and salt

For this DIY drain cleaner and declogger, you’ll be creating a dry powder. Here are the ingredients:

  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ½ cup regular table salt
  • 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
  • A pot of water

Pour all of these ingredients into a sealable jar, cover it, and shake it to combine and mix everything together. This will create enough mix for 2 uses. Either pour or use a spoon to distribute half of this mix down the drain. Boil a pot of water and dump it down the drain after the mix. Once the water has been poured, allow the solution to work for about an hour. Once the full hour has passed, run the tap to clear the drain of any remaining solution. You can use the remaining dry mix if you need to further clear the drain.


6. Salt, Borax, & Vinegar

salt, borax and vinegar

This DIY solution is great for declogging, cleaning, and even deodorizing your drains as Borax is a great product with tons of uses. For this recipe, you’ll need:

  • ¼ cup of regular table salt
  • ¼ cup Borax
  • ½ cup of white vinegar
  • A pot of water

To start, pour the salt and then the Borax down the drain. Next, pour the vinegar steadily down the drain followed by a pot of boiling water. Allow this to sit in the drain for about an hour, or longer if the drain hasn’t fully cleared. You can clear and test the drain by running the hot water tap and rinsing any remaining bit of the solution. If the drain hasn’t fully cleared, you can try this method again.




Does homemade drain cleaner work?


hrome bathroom tap over a white bathroom sink. Tap running.


Homemade drain cleaner works to remove almost all types of clogs. However, if you are unsure or have a particularly large or stubborn clog it is always in your best interest to consult a trustworthy plumber. Asking a professional before attempting to unclog a drain yourself can save you time and a plumbing bill.


What is the most natural way to clean your drain?


The most effective and natural way to clean your drain is with baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. This can help you clean and deodorize a clogged drain, but remember that you may have to resort to something stronger or call in a professional plumber if this doesn’t work.


Can homemade drain cleaner dissolve hair?


Loose hair in the sink drain in the bathroom


Baking soda and vinegar is the best homemade solution for removing hair clogs from drains. The key ingredient is baking soda, but you can also use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to break down any large hairballs within the drain. Remember to flush the drain with hot water after using any homemade cleaners.


How often should you use drain cleaner?


You should use drain cleaner and or declogger at least once a month to prevent any buildup within your pipes. Whether you use a natural DIY cleaner or a commercial enzyme cleaner, be sure to always flush your drain with hot water after cleaning it.


When should you not use drain cleaner?


You should not use drain cleaner when you know your home has old or damaged plumbing and pipes. Prolonged use of chemical cleaners can lead to pretty extensive damage by corroding metal pipes and even warping plastic pipes. Make sure that if you have to use a cleaner with strong chemicals, you only use it once and immediately clear the pipes with hot water.


What happens if you don’t clean your drains?


Man plunging a blocked kitchen sink with a manual suction plunger.


Not cleaning your drains can cause large clogs and blockages within your pipes. Cleaning your drains also reduces bad smells, can improve water quality, and increases the life of your pipes saving you from the headache of having to call in a plumber to clear some nasty buildup.


Homemade drain cleaners are a great alternative to using harsh chemical cleaners that can damage your pipes. Even the simplest ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice can be highly effective when cutting through greasy clogs. In order to prevent any buildup or clogs within your drains and pipes, it is recommended that you flush your drains once a month with boiling water.


Do you have any DIY drain cleaners that you swear by? Tell us about your drain cleaning tips and tricks in the comments below, we love hearing from you! If you’re looking for a great cleaning service that can help you clean up around your home and even deep clean and sanitize around the kitchen and bathrooms, check out our website to book your cleaning services today. We offer a wide range of cleaning services and even offer eco-friendly services upon request.

The post Safe and Natural DIY Drain Cleaners appeared first on Cleanzen.

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